We know that many people find it hard to lose weight and adopt a healthy lifestyle. It’s like working your own way through the maze of confusing, contraindicating advice. That alone is exhausting before you even get to keeping yourself motivated when nothing is changing. But do you know one of the big reasons why people find it hard? Why so often people don’t achieve their health goals, don’t lose weight or most importantly don’t keep the weight off? It’s because they didn’t get the right advice and support! Too many people try to lose weight by themselves or by following outdated general advice that just doesn’t work!

You can’t keep blaming yourself for not being able to lose the weight when you just aren’t giving your body the right foods to be well!

And you can’t beat yourself up about this when you just don’t know! This is why Metabolic Balance® is so different. This is why Metabolic Balance® is what people do when nothing else has worked! This is why our nutrition plans are only available from professional practitioners who can support each and every client to know their foods and learn the right way to eat for them. So take a breath, relax your shoulders and talk to your local Metabolic Balance® coaches Lori Habib (Halton Region) or Liisi Mrkonjic (Peel Region). Read more about our team and how we can get you started!